Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog

The Chip

The Chip:    _ Figure below shows chip manufacturing facility:  ______ Section-1 Prologue:   More than 100 years ago, humans invented vacuum tubes that made electricity flow in different directions or get stronger. The tubes made it possible to invent radios, televisions and computers. Every electronic device like a computer and radio works by controlling and manipulating the flow of electric current through a network of interconnected elements like capacitors, diodes and transistors. Before the invention of the chip, electronic devices such as computers and radios used vacuum tubes, or valves, which were cumbersome, heavy and generated a large amount of heat while consuming a lot of power. A 1940s computer called the ENIAC with vacuum tubes about the size of an adult thumb was about the same length and weight as three to four double-decker buses and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 […]



Quantum Computing: _ Note: As a doctor myself, I am on duty treating patients during Coronavirus pandemic and national lockdown. Whatever spare time I have, I utilize it for providing education through my website. Can Quantum Computing help us to respond to the Coronavirus? Quantum computing can be applied to work toward vaccines and therapies as well as epidemiology, supply distribution, hospital logistics, and diagnostics. By harnessing the properties of quantum physics, quantum computers have the potential to sort through a vast number of possibilities nearly instantaneously and come up with a probable solution. How? Read the article. ____ ____ Prologue: Quantum theory is one of the most successful theories that have influenced the course of scientific progress during the twentieth century. It has presented a new line of scientific thought, predicted entirely inconceivable situations and influenced several domains of modern technologies. After more than 50 years from its inception, […]


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