Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


Money: _ ____ Section-1  Prologue:   Somebody once asked the late bank robber named Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. He answered: “That’s where the money is.” Money is something we encounter in every facet of our daily lives. The first thing that springs to mind for most of us when we hear the word “money” is coins and banknotes. We talk about “making money” when we refer to our income. We say that we are “spending money” when we go shopping. For major purchases we sometimes have to “borrow money” by taking out a loan, either from someone we know or from a bank. It is no accident that the term “money” gets used in so many different ways: it is a reflection of the myriad functions that money performs in our economic lives. _ Money is one of the fundamental inventions of mankind. Economists say that the invention of […]


The Chip

The Chip:    _ Figure below shows chip manufacturing facility:  ______ Section-1 Prologue:   More than 100 years ago, humans invented vacuum tubes that made electricity flow in different directions or get stronger. The tubes made it possible to invent radios, televisions and computers. Every electronic device like a computer and radio works by controlling and manipulating the flow of electric current through a network of interconnected elements like capacitors, diodes and transistors. Before the invention of the chip, electronic devices such as computers and radios used vacuum tubes, or valves, which were cumbersome, heavy and generated a large amount of heat while consuming a lot of power. A 1940s computer called the ENIAC with vacuum tubes about the size of an adult thumb was about the same length and weight as three to four double-decker buses and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 […]


Electric Vehicle, EV (electric car)

Electric Vehicle, EV (electric car):   _ The engine of a conventional internal combustion engine car is replaced by an Electric Motor and the fuel tank is replaced by the Battery Pack. Of all the components only the Battery Pack and Electric Motor alone contributes to about more than 50% of the total EV’s weight and the price.     __ Section-1    Prologue: A car can be a wonderful thing. It can take you where you want, when you want — even when those places aren’t served by public transportation. In fact, much of modern life would be impossible without cars. They help us get to our jobs, schools, grocery stores or even just to the local shopping mall. Unfortunately, as wonderful as cars are, they also have some serious drawbacks. Two of these drawbacks are that they often cost a lot of money to maintain and they pollute the […]



Population Problem: _ _ Prologue: In an interview given to Economic Times, JRD Tata had reminisced how Nehru once retorted to his concerns on rising population. “Nonsense, a large population is the greatest source of power of any nation,” the first prime minister of Independent India is believed to have told the industry doyen. Subsequently India’s bulging population was seen as threat to the country’s future so much so that Nehru’s grandson, Sanjay Gandhi, ran a controversial campaign of forced sterilization during the emergency (1975-77). Their present Prime Minister Narendra Modi red-flagged population explosion in the course of his Independence Day speech. Mainstream politicians, journalists, and academics frequently avoid discussing population issues since notions about population are often seen as being politically or ideologically motivated. As a result, population debates are generally argued from the fringes. Some groups characterize population growth as a Ponzi scheme, whereby increasing numbers of youth […]



  3D Printing: ____ In reality 3D printing is quite slow as compared to the figure above! ____ Prologue: The First Industrial Revolution took place from the 18th to 19th centuries in Europe and America. It involved iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine. The Second Industrial Revolution took place between 1870 and 1914, just before World War I and technological advances during this period included the telephone, light bulb, phonograph and the internal combustion engine. The Third Industrial Revolution, or the Digital Revolution, started in 1980s which refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronic and mechanical devices to the digital technology available today. Advancements during the Third Industrial Revolution include the personal computer, the internet, and information and communications technology (ICT). The Fourth Industrial Revolution builds on the Digital Revolution, representing new ways in which technology becomes embedded within societies and even […]


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