Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


Robot:   _   Pepper (above), a humanoid robot developed by SoftBank Robotics, was launched in 2014 and can read human emotions. Over 2,000 companies around the world have adopted Pepper as an assistant to welcome, inform and guide visitors in an innovative way.    ____ Section-1 Prologue: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a robot?   For many people it is a machine that imitates a human—like the androids in Star Wars, Terminator and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However much these robots capture our imagination, such robots still only inhabit Science Fiction. Science-fiction films and novels usually portray robots as one of two things: destroyers of the human race or friendly helpers. People still haven’t been able to give a robot enough ‘common sense’ to reliably interact with a dynamic world and the independent intelligent machines seen in science fiction are still a […]



INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT): _______   _______ Prologue: The phrase “Internet of Things” was coined by Kevin Ashton an expert on digital innovation in 1999 as the title of a corporate presentation he made at his place of employment, Proctor & Gamble. During his time there, Kevin Ashton came up with the idea of putting a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag on each lipstick and having them communicate with a radio receiver on the shelf to track sales & inventory, and signal when restocking was needed. He theorized that such data collection can be used to solve lots of problems in the real world. The Internet is continuously changing and evolving. The main communication form of present Internet is human to human. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be considered as evolution of Internet that realizes machine-to-machine (M2M) learning. The first version of Internet was about data created by people, […]


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