Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


TERRORISM VERSUS FREEDOM-FIGHT : Terrorism is defined  as death and destruction of any innocent human being, intentionally, in order to achieve political goals. However,there is a considerable confusion in the world regarding the difference between terrorism and freedom-fight.No world leader has ever made any clear-cut distinction.So I have decided to make the distinction. When the world uses the word Freedom-Fight in political context,it means legitimate resistance and uprising against the colonial european invaders who occupied the lands of asia and africa forcibly;outside their own country;with the intention to enlarge their empire politically. Freedom-fight means resistance to occupation by foreign invaders who is trying to establish their colony outside their own country.During the resistance;if the innocent people of the invading country are killed in the occupied land;then;it is not terrorism. However;whatever is happening in Palestine and kashmir is not Freedom-fight.Israel and India are not colonial european invaders.Killing innocent civilians in Israel is […]



THE CRIME OF SILENCE: Today, I will discuss the topic which was in my mind for a long time but I could not word it propely.I hope my efforts are successful.The intention of my comments is to enlighten people about any issue by presenting my view-point and not to preach a sermon. THE CRIME OF SILENCE is defined as a willful and deliberate silence about an event occuring before our eyes which is shameful,illegal,immoral,uncivilised and dastardly.The deliberate silence is meant to escape from our responsibility as a civilised society under pretext of an apparent helplessness. Everybody is guilty of the crime of silence including me. No legal textbook ever mentions about it. No court of law ever takes cognizance of it. No punishment is given to the guilty of the crime of silence. Few examples will suffice. Example 1) The roadside vehicular accidents: It is a common occurance in India […]


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