Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog

Extraterrestrial Life (Life Beyond Earth)

Extraterrestrial Life (Life Beyond Earth): _ Figure above shows Earth, as seen by NASA’s Voyager 1. In this image, taken from 4 billion miles away 33 years ago, Earth appears as a “pale blue dot” representing less than a pixel’s worth of light. Would this light reveal Earth as a habitable and inhabited world? Our search for life on exoplanets will depend on an ability to extract information about life from the faint light of faraway worlds. _ “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” -Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction author and former Planetary Society board member _____ Section-1  Prologue: Is mankind alone in the universe? Or are there somewhere other intelligent beings looking up into their night sky from very different worlds and asking the same kind of question? Are there civilizations more advanced than ours, civilizations that […]


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