Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


Sexual Harassment: _____ _____ Prologue: In October 2016, a month before the presidential election, a 2005 tape came to the public’s attention. In raw footage from behind the scenes on Access Hollywood, Republican candidate Donald Trump bragged boldly about kissing women without their consent, grabbing at their genitals, and simply having his way: “…when you’re a star, they let you do it.”  In a subsequent debate, CNN’s Anderson Cooper called the actions that Trump described “sexual assault.” Trump called it “locker room talk.” Whatever the term, the behavior and the attitude ultimately proved inconsequential, not sufficiently meaningful or outrageous to derail Trump’s election victory. In January 2017, Trump took up the position as the most powerful man in the world. Yet, almost exactly one year later, scores of women are stepping up and speaking out. They tell heart-breaking, terrifying stories of sexual harassment, and sexual assault at the hands of […]



__________________ SCIENCE OF LOVE: _______________   In a study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, one researcher likened love at first sight to narcissism, because it turns out what we’re most attracted to is someone who happens to be looking at us. Again, this has evolutionary roots, as we shouldn’t spend time chasing a mate who’s not interested, but it’s narcissistic because the person we tend to look at, of course, looks like us. It’s like falling in love with your own image in the mirror as shown in the figure above.   _______ Prologue:  Shruti Hassan says that she is my fan. Esha Gupta wants to frustrate me. Is this love? Well, they are playing safe. If you have a reason why you love someone, it is not love. You can’t have a reason for loving someone, it just happens and you know it…..Love is an extremely […]



SEX EDUCATION: Prologue: When I was a small child of about 6 to 8 years old, I asked my relatives about how I came to this world. They told me that a child comes from heaven. I was wandering how it is possible; even at that immature age. Nobody told me that relationship between a man and a woman brings a child. When I got admission in medical college at the age of 17 years, my friends who got admission in engineering college came to my house to see anatomy books. I was surprised. I asked them what they want. They told me that they want to know everything about male and female genitalia as they are growing up and they have no knowledge about it. Most teens want to know about sex but do not know how to get information. So they buy magazines & books, see movies, visit […]



THE GOLD STANDARD OF REAL LOVE : Love is defined as a biological desire of a human being which is an emotional feeling of deep affection towards another human being which is mediated by neuro-chemical reactions in the brain. I will discuss the love between a man and a woman who have no biological relationship like brother-sister,father-daughter,mother-son etc etc. I will not discuss impersonal love like love for a country,love for a car etc etc. Psychologically; love has 3 components, namely, intimacy,commitment and passion. Scientifically; love is a biological desire like hunger,thirst etc which is mediated by release of neuro-chemicals like dopamin,norepinephrin,serotonin etc in the brain which in turn stimulates pleasure-centre in brain and the human being gets pleasure in love-making. Love between a man and a woman includes sexual relations but sexual relations between a man and a woman does not necessarily includes love.For example;a man enjoys sexual relations […]



THE RAPE : Rape is defined as a heinous crime in which an unwanted sexual intercourse/penetration is forced/coerced upon a victim without the wish/consent of the victim by an offender who could be a person known to the victim or a stranger.It is a crime even if the offender is a husband and it is a crime even if the victim did not offer resistance and it is a crime even if the victim was unconscious or conscious but under the influence of alcohol/drugs/threat/blackmail. _ Anybody can be raped including men,women,children and elderly. 91% of all rapes are committed on girls/women which will be discussed by me. Even animals like ducks/geese show rape like behavior. What the world knows is a tip of the iceberg because of the reluctance to talk on this issue and misconceptions about the rape.Rape of a woman existed in human history for thousands of years […]


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