Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


____________ SCIENTIFIC PUNISHMENT FOR RAPE: ________ __________ In my article on ‘The Rape’ published on this website few years ago, I have shown that rape is the most under-reported heinous crime in the world and the best way to prevent future rape is to report present rape. The worst myth about rape is that a woman cannot be raped against her will and this myth is propagated by patriarchal society and law enforcement authorities. Rape is a crime, which has a devastating effect on the survivors; it has been described as a “beginning of a nightmare”. The aftershocks include depression, fear, guilt-complex, suicidal-action, diminished sexual interest etc.; and the victim becomes afraid of half the human race. Unfortunately, women in this world, belong to a class or group of society who are in a disadvantaged position on account of several social barriers & impediments and have therefore been victims of […]



SEX EDUCATION: Prologue: When I was a small child of about 6 to 8 years old, I asked my relatives about how I came to this world. They told me that a child comes from heaven. I was wandering how it is possible; even at that immature age. Nobody told me that relationship between a man and a woman brings a child. When I got admission in medical college at the age of 17 years, my friends who got admission in engineering college came to my house to see anatomy books. I was surprised. I asked them what they want. They told me that they want to know everything about male and female genitalia as they are growing up and they have no knowledge about it. Most teens want to know about sex but do not know how to get information. So they buy magazines & books, see movies, visit […]


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