An Educational Blog
TERRORISM VERSUS FREEDOM-FIGHT : Terrorism is defined as death and destruction of any innocent human being, intentionally, in order to achieve political goals. However,there is a considerable confusion in the world regarding the difference between terrorism and freedom-fight.No world leader has ever made any clear-cut distinction.So I have decided to make the distinction. When the world uses the word Freedom-Fight in political context,it means legitimate resistance and uprising against the colonial european invaders who occupied the lands of asia and africa forcibly;outside their own country;with the intention to enlarge their empire politically. Freedom-fight means resistance to occupation by foreign invaders who is trying to establish their colony outside their own country.During the resistance;if the innocent people of the invading country are killed in the occupied land;then;it is not terrorism. However;whatever is happening in Palestine and kashmir is not Freedom-fight.Israel and India are not colonial european invaders.Killing innocent civilians in Israel is […]
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