Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog

Digital Learning (Digital Education)

Digital Learning (Digital Education): _  _____ Section-1 Prologue: “Lectures are only terrible if you are a terrible lecturer!”. Lectures that are dynamic, evoke emotion, and engage the audience are worthwhile learning experiences. But in this age without technology dynamicity, emotion evoking, audience engagement etc. are all impossible. For our new generation kids born in latest technological environments, everything seems boring when it is not connected with technology, and rather counterintuitively we expect that they would learn under the same old age classrooms systems. Today’s students are digital natives. This is a generation that has never known a world without Google, the internet or even smartphones. Technology is at the center of their lives, touching every aspect of their day-to-day experiences and influencing their decisions. It stands to reason, then, that technology should be a crucial part of their educational experience. In today’s world, digital technology has not yet been applied […]



EDUCATION: _____ _____ Prologue: Human life is the best creation of evolution and it has got two aspects: the biological and the socio-cultural. Biological aspect is found in plant and animal life. But the socio-cultural aspect is the rare distinction of human life alone. Our life in the complex world is governed not only by the biological process, but also by a social process. While the functioning of the organism is the biological heredity, education is his social heredity. With biological heredity alone, he would be nothing better than an animal. But he has social heredity that makes him a man who is now capable of governing this world. Education is vital process of social life. Without education human race would be no better than animal race. Eating, drinking, sleeping and sexual life are common to both animals and men. It is only knowledge and education, where they differ. The […]


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