Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog

Plane Crash

Plane Crash: “Flying is not inherently dangerous, but to an even greater extent than the sea, it is terribly unforgiving ….” —Captain A. G. Lumplugh, British Aviation Insurance Group  ________ Section-1  Prologue: Flight is, and always will be a marvel of human achievement. The opportunity to “spread your wings” and fly is an unbelievable privilege and experience. Airways have undergone a drastic evolution in the past decade, with airplanes becoming the most widely used means of transport across the globe. This is primarily because of the higher reliability, least travel time and a better cost effectiveness of the airways over other modes of transport. In addition to that, airports are traditionally considered as the country’s signature monuments. It showcases to an outsider, the first and the last impression of the country. Commercial aviation transports more than four billion passengers annually on airliners. Aviation is a critical part of national economy, […]



HUMAN ERROR   Prologue: On 10’th December 1996, the Mumbai high court passed an ex-party order asking me to pay rupees 10,000 every month to estranged wife on the ground that my lawyer was absent in the court-room. I immediately appealed to the divisional bench of Mumbai high court. The divisional bench of two judges heard my appeal and reduced the amount to rupees 7,000 in the open court in front of everybody present and dictated the court typist to type the new order. The court then got busy with many other matters pending before it. However the court typist typed rupees 10,000 in the new order. Later on, my lawyer met the judges in their chamber and pointed out the typographical error. The judges refused to accept human error and said that due to inflation, cost of living is more and therefore rupees 10000 is appropriate. Till today, I […]


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