Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


THE CELL PHONE : The Cell Phone(CP) also known as mobile phone/mobile/cell/hand phone/wireless phone etc is defined as a mobile electronic device which is used in voice/data communication within a specific geographical network area known as CELL,which are interconnected to increase coverage area to a very long distance. CP is basically a sophisticated Radio which emits micro/radio waves which are known as RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION(RFR) which is a part of the spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves.Microwaves are a subset of Radiowaves with the wavelength between 3mm to 30 cms.The strength of RFR is inversely proportional to the square of distance from the source.The key word is ‘DISTANCE’. In contrast to CP, other devices like Radio/TV/Microwave-oven are not held close to the body and hence their RFR exposure is much less than CP. There is a worldwide epidemic of CP with 4 billion users by the end of the year 2008,and 25000 new […]


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