Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog

Solar Technologies

Solar Technologies:      Solar is the only renewable energy source which could, in principle, easily meet all the world’s energy needs. _ “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” Thomas Edison in 1931 ____ Section-1 Prologue: Currently, our civilization consumes around 17.7 Terawatts (17.7 terajoules/second) of power taken from all sources of energy, namely oil, coal, natural gas and alternative energies such as solar, wind, hydropower and others. Fossil fuels—including coal, oil, and natural gas—have been powering economies for over 150 years, and currently supply about 80 percent of the world’s energy. The environmental ramifications of using fossil fuels, combined with their expected remaining abundance on earth places limits on how much longer we as a species can rely on them as an energy source. If […]



DRONE: _  Section-1   Prologue:      The term “Drone” has been massively overused; most of you have surely seen it time and time again in news and media articles. This term can range from small and cheap hobby aircraft available at Amazon all the way to multimillion weapons systems used on battlefields. Drone is a general term, not a technical one. They are generally equated with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAVs can be controlled remotely or autonomously. When we speak about drones, we think about a battlefield, destruction, and death. This is because of the fact that the drones have been conventionally used by the armed forces to drop bombs and destroy enemy targets. These are called the military drones. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there have been at least 14,040 confirmed drone strikes between Jan. 2002 and Jan. 2019. UAVs are an emerging technology known for their […]


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