Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


____________ SCIENTIFIC PUNISHMENT FOR RAPE: ________ __________ In my article on ‘The Rape’ published on this website few years ago, I have shown that rape is the most under-reported heinous crime in the world and the best way to prevent future rape is to report present rape. The worst myth about rape is that a woman cannot be raped against her will and this myth is propagated by patriarchal society and law enforcement authorities. Rape is a crime, which has a devastating effect on the survivors; it has been described as a “beginning of a nightmare”. The aftershocks include depression, fear, guilt-complex, suicidal-action, diminished sexual interest etc.; and the victim becomes afraid of half the human race. Unfortunately, women in this world, belong to a class or group of society who are in a disadvantaged position on account of several social barriers & impediments and have therefore been victims of […]


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