An Educational Blog
Smartphone Overuse: _ Average person spends 3 to 4 hours on their smartphone each day. ______ ______ Section-1 Prologue: If there’s anything that most deserves the claim to be a man’s best friend in the modern age, it has got to be the smartphone. The use of smartphones is now a necessity, not a choice. The technological innovation of smartphones and various software has made our lives more convenient. While the bounties of technological innovation have offered limitless opportunities to make life comfortable, their perils cannot be ignored. Worldwide, there are over 6 billion people that have smartphone data plans and it is projected that this will grow to over 7.5 billion by 2026. According to a recent study, almost half of the American population showed hyper-reliance on smartphones, and more than 90% of young people aged 19–29 reported daily use of smartphones. Smartphone devices have the same capabilities […]
Drug Addiction: _ Intravenous injection of heroin typically causes a rush within seven to eight seconds. This method of drug use provides the highest intensity and quickest onset of the initial rush but is also the most dangerous. Also, approximately 10% of new HIV infections worldwide are attributable to injecting drug use, often of an opiate such as heroin. ______ Prologue: Drugs are fascinating because they change our awareness. The basic reason people take drugs is to vary their conscious experience. Seeking pleasure is a human trait and certain chemicals which give a feeling of high or pleasure have always been used by some people everywhere. Of course, there are many ways to alter consciousness, such as listening to music, dancing, exercising, day dreaming and participating in religious rituals etc. and the list suggests that changing consciousness is something people like to do. People use substances (drugs) to alter their […]
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