An Educational Blog
MEDICAL PROFESSION VERSUS CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT:(DOCTOR V/S CPA): As a qualified doctor of 20 years experience,I am a better person to comment on this controversial issue.At the outset,I want to say that I deplore CPA and condemn criminal charge of negligence against a doctor. 1)The relationship between a doctor and a patient is a matter of faith and trust and CPA destroys this pious relationship. 2)There was a time when a doctor was considred next to the God because of his ability to relieve human suffering and this respect is destroyed by the notion of a doctor being looked upon as a grocery shop owner who gives treatment in return for money;thanks to CPA. 3)A human body has millions of biological variables and it is impossible for a humanbeing to know,how and why,all these biological variables will interact to produce a disease. 4)The Hippocratic Oath has become irrelevant in 21 […]
THE POLYGAMY : POLYGAMY is defined as a state of human relationship in which a person has more than one spouse at a time. Polygamy-man(PGM)is defined as a state of human relationship where a husband has more than one wife at a time. Polygamy-woman(PGW)is defined as a state of human relationship where a wife has more than one husband at a time. The term polygamy is applied only in marital relations and not for extra-marital or promiscuous relations. PGM is allowed in Islam but not allowed in other major religions.PGW is banned and condemned in all religions and civilisations. Islam and the holy Quran allows PGM under strict conditions.The husband must give equal love and equal justice to his wives.Also,during war;there would be young widows who can be rehabilitated by giving a status of a wife of an already married man;just to save her from evil anti-social men who are […]
CRICKET CONTROVERSIES : Everybody in the cricketing world must understand that what is happening between india and australia is not good for cricket as a sport.A sport is a sport and a game is a game and it is not a matter between life and death.Indians are too emotional and over-reacted.One has to be objective in making analysis and endeavor for improvement in game.Two problems are visible: 1)Bad Umpire Decisions 2)Bad on-field Behaviour of players Both the problems can be solved by using scientific technology. 1)Bad Umpire Decisions:The most stupid thing in cricket, is that the whole world is watching the action-replay in slow-motion and the on-field umpire is unaware of it. It is like the judge is giving the judgement without knowing the evidence.How ICC can be so stupid?? The third umpire should be sacked.Both on-field umpires must be given mobile phone with television implanted in it.Now,it is possible […]
Tobacco and Smoking cigarettes:INDIAN EVIL : The world must be shocked to know that indian politicians and indian media are more in favour of tobacco lobby than anti-tobacco lobby. Indeed,India is a rogue state.This is the truth. If anybody from the rest of the world analyse my life,he/she will conclude that india is a rogue state. Smoking cigarettes is the commonest cause of preventable death in the world. One out of five americans die prematurely due to smoking. Everyday 2500 indians die due to smoking and tobacco. Cigarette and tobacco industries defend themselves for providing employement to thousands. You cannot earn livelihood by killing innocent people because then,you become criminals. Smoking cigarette is not a personal matter as passive smoking also kills innocent bystanders. If attempting suicide is an offence,then,smoking is also an offence as it kills the smoker. There should be a picture warning on cigarette packets stating that […]
HUMAN STEM CELL RESEARCH AND THERAPY AND ALSO HUMAN CLONING : Today,I will discuss the very interesting and fascinating topic and scientific achievement,namely,human stem cell research and therapy along with human cloning. The intention is to take on various world leaders and religious leaders who have been misleading the people of the world on this subject either due to their ignorance or arrogance or false dogmas. The stem cells have a remarkable potential to differentiate into various specific cell types in the body to serve as a repair system for the body and to replenish other cell types.The stem cells have 2 basic features namely self-renewal indefinitely and differentiation into specific cell type.The stem cell are of 2 types namely Embryonic Stem Cell(ESC) and Adult Stem Cell(ASC).The ESC can differentiate into 220 specific cell types like heart cell,blood cell,bone cell etc etc. The stem cell therapy is useful to treat […]
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