Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


CHIKUNGUNYA Prologue: Few years ago, I have not heard the name Chikungunya but now a days, I am treating plenty of Chikungunya cases in my medical practice in India. The hall mark of Chikungunya is presence of multiple cases in a family/ neighbourhood/ locality /village /township.  Majority of patients have abrupt onset fever with severe joint pain (arthralgia) with/without joint swelling (arthritis). Even though majority recovered soon, some of them have chronic crippling arthritis lasting for months or years. Also, many patients of Chikungunya were erroneously diagnosed as typhoid/ malaria/ dengue and received wrong treatment. So I posted this comments on Chikungunya to educate masses. Synonyms and abbreviations:  Vector = arthropod = mosquito Chikungunya fever = CF Chikungunya virus = CHIK-V Chikungunya = chicken guinea = chicken gunaya = chickengunya The disease was first described by Marion Robinson and W.H.R. Lumsden in 1955, following an outbreak in 1952 on the […]



THE FARCE OF DEMOCRACY: Prologue:  In the year 2000, the flawed Electoral College system in America helped Bush to win presidential election against Gore despite losing popular vote.  In the year 2004,during Indian parliamentary election, the Congress party got 26% votes with 145 seats and a small party BSP got 5% votes with only 19 seats proving the fact that the Congress party got far more seats than voting percentage would suggest.  In the year 2005, during British parliamentary elections, the Labour party got 35.5 % votes with correspondingly far higher 55.2% seats in parliament. These figures are alarming and therefore I decided to post my comments to focus on this crucial issue.   I will discuss democracy/elections in the context of electing people’s representative to public office and not elections in school/college/corporate sector/sporting body etc.   Synonyms and Abbreviations: Voter = elector Political party = party Legislative body (legislature) […]



DUALITY OF EXISTENCE _ Prologue: I had posted this comments on face book on 1/1/2010 as my website was not ready but the matter is so important for students that I decided to post it on my website to educate students. _ POSTULATE: Everything in universe that exists, living or non-living, has a dual mode of existence with each mode following a different set of logic/rationale to explain phenomena associated with such existence and the duality is spontaneous ,simultaneous and consistent with the existence of dual universe. _ The universe allegedly came into existence with big bang 13.7 billion years ago with the creation of matter, energy, space and time ; along with laws to regulate them. The Earth, a planet on which we live being a part of solar system with the Sun being the star; and the Sun being a part of our galaxy the Milky Way; and […]


Mathematics of Pi

Pi is defined as the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter. Pi = circumference/diameter. Pi is constant irrespective of the size of the circle. Pi is classified as an irrational number. Pi denotes relationship between a straight line and a curved line of a circle. Pi = 22/7 approximately = 3.14159 approximately. I had calculated Pi way back in 1980 which I am making public today. _ The students can see that only digit 2 is used in formula where n is the maximum natural number. I will give one example. Suppose, n = 5   then, formula will calculate as follows. _ The calculator will calculate this equation as 3.140331156954 _ As n becomes greater and greater in number, Pi value will become as exact as possible. The process will go on and on indefinitely but n can never become infinity. This is a relationship between […]



THE QUOTABLE QUOTES: I have narrated few conclusions and dictums from my 48 years of experiences from this world as QUOTES for people to know and follow if they wish so. 1) Luck is a sign of imperfection in life.I strive hard to be perfect to eliminate the luck.However,nobody is perfect and therefore everybody needs luck at some time in life. 2) Those who have faith in me,I never let them down, Those who betray me,I make their lives very miserable; Anyway,life is an illusion,death is a reality. 3) I speak neighter of revenge nor forgiveness; Oblivion is the only revenge and the only pardon. 4) It is better to be angry and fulfill your duty,rather than,be sober and neglect your duty. 5) Those who all the time find fault with the character of others;often have loose character themselves. 6) One should never feel very high all the time as […]


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