Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


THE CRIME OF SILENCE: Today, I will discuss the topic which was in my mind for a long time but I could not word it propely.I hope my efforts are successful.The intention of my comments is to enlighten people about any issue by presenting my view-point and not to preach a sermon. THE CRIME OF SILENCE is defined as a willful and deliberate silence about an event occuring before our eyes which is shameful,illegal,immoral,uncivilised and dastardly.The deliberate silence is meant to escape from our responsibility as a civilised society under pretext of an apparent helplessness. Everybody is guilty of the crime of silence including me. No legal textbook ever mentions about it. No court of law ever takes cognizance of it. No punishment is given to the guilty of the crime of silence. Few examples will suffice. Example 1) The roadside vehicular accidents: It is a common occurance in India […]



NUCLEAR WEAPONS: The Nuclear Weapon is defined as an explosive device which releases tremendous energy by the process of a nuclear reaction which could be nuclear fission or fusion or both. It would have been better,had I had written this article as a nuclear physicist,had my mathematical formula of Pi was in school textbooks and had my talents harnessed for making the world a better place to live in.Anyway,I will still attempt as an ordinary doctor with monthly salary of rupees 25000 only… There are various naturally occurring forces in the universe like gravitational forces,electromagnetic forces,nuclear forces etc etc.Nuclear forces bind protons and neutrons in the nucleas of any atom.It is the breakdown of these nuclear forces with resultant loss of mass which releases tremendous energy which can be used in a nuclear reactor to produce electricity or can be used in nuclear weapons to destroy human beings and infrastructure. […]


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