Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


THE CYCLONE: _ _ Prologue: I am not fond of weather analysis. Many times I inadvertently watch weather forecast on TV which I find quite boring. Nonetheless, after discussing earthquakes and tsunamis, I felt that I should discuss adverse weather events which also affect our lives. A storm is any disturbed state of atmosphere, and strongly implying severe weather; marked by strong wind, thunder, lightning and heavy precipitation (rain, ice etc). Storms are created when a center of low pressure develops, with a system of high pressure surrounding it. This combination of opposing forces can create winds and result in the formation of storm clouds. Storms generally lead to significant negative impacts to lives and property. The vertical wind shear in thunderstorm can cause airplane crashes. Severe weather is also responsible for plenty of helicopter crashes, and delay launch of space shuttles. There are various types of storms including tropical […]



_ EARTHQUAKE, TSUNAMI AND NUCLEAR MELTDOWN _ Prologue: Earthquakes are among the most devastating natural disasters on the planet. A severe earthquake is one of the most frightening and destructive phenomena of nature with its terrible aftereffects. In the last hundred years they have claimed the lives of over one million people. Earthquakes are destructive mainly because of their unpredictable nature.  An earthquake struck at the floor of the Pacific Ocean on 11’th March, 2011 at 14.46 JST – 38.322N 142.369E. It occurred 129 km off Sendai, Honshu (Japan) at a depth of 32 km. Its magnitude was 9 M and its duration 6 minutes. It was a Megathrust type earthquake which triggered tsunami waves of up to 97ft (29.6 meter). The tsunami waves struck inland minutes after the quake and some traveled up to 6 miles (10 km) inland. The disaster is believed to have killed more than 25,000 […]



DUALITY OF EXISTENCE _ Prologue: I had posted this comments on face book on 1/1/2010 as my website was not ready but the matter is so important for students that I decided to post it on my website to educate students. _ POSTULATE: Everything in universe that exists, living or non-living, has a dual mode of existence with each mode following a different set of logic/rationale to explain phenomena associated with such existence and the duality is spontaneous ,simultaneous and consistent with the existence of dual universe. _ The universe allegedly came into existence with big bang 13.7 billion years ago with the creation of matter, energy, space and time ; along with laws to regulate them. The Earth, a planet on which we live being a part of solar system with the Sun being the star; and the Sun being a part of our galaxy the Milky Way; and […]


Mathematics of Pi

Pi is defined as the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter. Pi = circumference/diameter. Pi is constant irrespective of the size of the circle. Pi is classified as an irrational number. Pi denotes relationship between a straight line and a curved line of a circle. Pi = 22/7 approximately = 3.14159 approximately. I had calculated Pi way back in 1980 which I am making public today. _ The students can see that only digit 2 is used in formula where n is the maximum natural number. I will give one example. Suppose, n = 5   then, formula will calculate as follows. _ The calculator will calculate this equation as 3.140331156954 _ As n becomes greater and greater in number, Pi value will become as exact as possible. The process will go on and on indefinitely but n can never become infinity. This is a relationship between […]



THE INTELLIGENCE : Abbreviations used: IQ = Traditional intelligence quotient. EQ = Emotional intelligence quotient. Intelligence of a living organism is defined as ability to receive,understand,process, memorize,comprehend,rationalize,learn,think and judge various sensory inputs from environment in a given circumstance and come out with best possible solution to the problem posed by environment and/or perform better in environment.Humans use brain for intelligence. I will not discuss the other meaning of intelligence;the information gathering. Every scholar in psychology has defined intelligence differently and there is no consensus about definition of intelligence and so my definition is open to criticism. Even a virus shows intelligence by adapting mutation for survival. Even a bacterium shows intelligence by synthesizing an enzyme to inactivate antibiotics. For lower species, intelligence is meant for survival and reproduction but for higher species like humans, intelligence could be anything from socializing to abstract thinking to reasoning to imagination to creativity.If another […]


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