Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


NUCLEAR WEAPONS: The Nuclear Weapon is defined as an explosive device which releases tremendous energy by the process of a nuclear reaction which could be nuclear fission or fusion or both. It would have been better,had I had written this article as a nuclear physicist,had my mathematical formula of Pi was in school textbooks and had my talents harnessed for making the world a better place to live in.Anyway,I will still attempt as an ordinary doctor with monthly salary of rupees 25000 only… There are various naturally occurring forces in the universe like gravitational forces,electromagnetic forces,nuclear forces etc etc.Nuclear forces bind protons and neutrons in the nucleas of any atom.It is the breakdown of these nuclear forces with resultant loss of mass which releases tremendous energy which can be used in a nuclear reactor to produce electricity or can be used in nuclear weapons to destroy human beings and infrastructure. […]



THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: The universe has billions of galaxies and every galaxy has billions of stars and the SUN is also a star and our Earth is one of the planets of the sun.Only the earth in the solar system has life because of water,oxygen rich atmosphere and suitable temperature.Atmosphere has many gases including nitrogen-N(78%);oxygen-O2(21%);carbon dioxide-CO2(0.03%)etc.. The sun-energy is trapped by the photosynthesis in plants. Plants——-Co2+water+sun-energy=O2+sugar Animals——O2+sugar=CO2+water+energy…. ENVIRONMENT is defined as the sum total of all external factors,both living and non-living; to which an organism is exposed and which affects the growth,development and survival of the organism. Living factors to the human being are viruses,bacteria,plants,animals,fellow humans etc. Non-living factors are air,water,soil,sound,temperature,light,etc. Pollution is defined as undesirable changes in the natural environment brought by the human beings which adversely affects the living organisms. Pollutions are of many types including air pollution,water pollution,soil pollution,thermal pollution,radioactive pollution,noise pollution etc. Climate change is defined […]



THE POPULATION EXPLOSION (OVERPOPULATION): The population explosion or overpopulation for human species is defined as the number of people in the given area exceeds the resources and the carrying capacity of it’s environment to sustain the quality of life which would have existed ; had the lesser number of people inhabited the same area in the same environment. Overpopulation is when the number of people cannot be maintained without depleting resources and degrading environment with lowering standard of living.The quality is sacrificed at the cost of the quantity.As per the above definition,the earth is overpopulated and almost all countries are overpopulated. Many environmental,social and economic problems stem from overpopulation.The earth is a ‘closed system’ means we have limited environmental/ecological resources like water,air,land,food,shelter,energy etc to be consumed by the population and to be replenished by the earth. If the rate of consumption of resources by the population is less than the […]



THE CELL PHONE : The Cell Phone(CP) also known as mobile phone/mobile/cell/hand phone/wireless phone etc is defined as a mobile electronic device which is used in voice/data communication within a specific geographical network area known as CELL,which are interconnected to increase coverage area to a very long distance. CP is basically a sophisticated Radio which emits micro/radio waves which are known as RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION(RFR) which is a part of the spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves.Microwaves are a subset of Radiowaves with the wavelength between 3mm to 30 cms.The strength of RFR is inversely proportional to the square of distance from the source.The key word is ‘DISTANCE’. In contrast to CP, other devices like Radio/TV/Microwave-oven are not held close to the body and hence their RFR exposure is much less than CP. There is a worldwide epidemic of CP with 4 billion users by the end of the year 2008,and 25000 new […]



THE ENERGY Energy is defined as a capacity/ability to do the work and it is measured in Joules. Power is defined as the rate at which the work is done which means work divided by time and it is measured in Watts. 1 watt= 1 joule per second. 1 Giga-joule(GJ)= 1 billion joules 1 Exa-joule(EJ)= 1 billion GJ. 31.7 watts= 1 GJ per year. 1 kilo-calorie= 4.2 kilo-joules. 1 kilo calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree celsius. Calorie is the unit of energy in nutrition. Human being needs 2000 kilo calories of energy through food for all activities per day which is equivalent to 90 watt light bulb. Energy makes change and does things for us.Energy lights homes, cooks food,runs car/fan/AC/heater/machines/TV etc.We will go back to stone age if there is no energy. First industrial revolution was […]


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