Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


Digital transaction: ___ ____ Prologue: History of banking dates back to 2000 B.C. Archaeologists believe that depositing and lending have always been human way of business and economy during renowned Roman, Chinese, and Indian empires. In fact, if we really think about it, there can actually be no trusted way of keeping earned money safe to be used when required other than a trusted group that also provides interest on such deposits. From that time banks and their ways have evolved tremendously. Computing revolution has been the biggest step forward here. For what was confined to signatures and psychical presence, has now been replaced by plastic money and virtual presence. John Shepherd-Barron, the Scotsman is credited with inventing the world’s first automated cash machine. Shepherd-Barron said once that he came up with the idea of the cash machines after being locked out of his bank. Plastic bank cards had not […]



Are ordinary people bad?  ________ _______ Let me start by giving 3 examples from India:  _ _ Example-1 On August 10, 2016 Matibool is on his way home from an overnight shift as a watchman, carrying a cellphone in his hand as seen in the figure above. It is dawn in Delhi. Suddenly, a speeding three-wheeled tempo barrels down on him from behind, knocking him into the air. The driver gets out, sees Matibool’s crumpled body and decides against even approaching him. In a matter of seconds, the driver is back in the truck, and away he goes. As Matibool lay bleeding for an hour, men and women riding in 140 cars and 82 rickshaws would avoid his dying body. So would 181 bikers and 45 pedestrians. At one point, an emergency response van used by the Delhi police drives by. A cycle rickshaw passes his body and stops a […]


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