Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


  CREATIVITY: _ Have a look at a picture below. What do you think? A non-creative brain sees only a hodgepodge of disconnected shapes, but a creative brain can go beyond common sense and find the connecting concept that makes sense of the shapes. The picture is of a dog drinking from a stream, with its head in the middle of the picture facing down to the water and its tail off to the right. _ The picture above shows how your brain can even create things that don’t exist. If you can see the white triangle – the one with its apex pointing up – it’s because your brain has created that triangle to unify what is otherwise simply a collection of angles and Pac-Man shapes. There is, in fact, no white triangle there. _ If you measure these two tables with a ruler, you will see that they […]



THE INTELLIGENCE : Abbreviations used: IQ = Traditional intelligence quotient. EQ = Emotional intelligence quotient. Intelligence of a living organism is defined as ability to receive,understand,process, memorize,comprehend,rationalize,learn,think and judge various sensory inputs from environment in a given circumstance and come out with best possible solution to the problem posed by environment and/or perform better in environment.Humans use brain for intelligence. I will not discuss the other meaning of intelligence;the information gathering. Every scholar in psychology has defined intelligence differently and there is no consensus about definition of intelligence and so my definition is open to criticism. Even a virus shows intelligence by adapting mutation for survival. Even a bacterium shows intelligence by synthesizing an enzyme to inactivate antibiotics. For lower species, intelligence is meant for survival and reproduction but for higher species like humans, intelligence could be anything from socializing to abstract thinking to reasoning to imagination to creativity.If another […]


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