Dr Rajiv Desai

An Educational Blog


HOMOSEXUALITY AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE : Let me begin with the discussion on the most controversial topic of 21’st century,namely homosexuality and same sex marriage.I am a very strong heterosexual person and therefore my views on homosexuality could be biased but I will try to be neutral in my discussions and I offer unconditional apology if my views hurt homosexual community. Homosexuality is defined as an aberrant behaviour or orientation among persons of same sex towards eachother. Homosexuality among men is referred as Gay. Homosexuality among women is referred as Lesbianism. True prevalence of homosexuality is difficult to estimate but by most surveys, found to be 3 percent of population.The gay rights movement show exaggerated prevalence of 10 percent of population to prove that homosexuality is normal and widespread. The animal studies have shown that there is some biological basis for homosexuality as some species of animals and birds do […]


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